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17歳から都内のライブハウスを中心に音楽活動を開始する。 二年後に体調を崩し、一時活動を休止。


その後、音楽活動を再開。 子ども達や障害者のためのワークショップコンサートなどを通して音楽の特別な力を実感し、“いのちの響き”そのものとして歌い奏でてゆくことを決意。

1999年『あまりあ (Amaria) 』の名で歌い始める。


◆2001年ミャンマーの上座部仏教の日本人大僧正、ガユーナ・セアロ氏との出会いにより、ニューヨークでの9.11事件を期に行われた現地での世界平和を祈る集いにゲスト・ヴォーカリストとして参加。 以後、日本をはじめ、米国各地、およびハワイでの同氏による平和活動に音楽参加。NHK教育テレビ『きらっと生きる』に車椅子の身体表現者、 加藤惇(かとうあつし)氏と共に出演。 即興による『生命の響き~Sympathy』を発表。


◆2002年 米国グランドキャニオンとセドナで収録を行なったアルバム『Manifest Divine Love~誕生』に参加。


◆2003年アフリカン・ハープ=コラ奏者でもあるシンガーソングライターのHilo Kawagishi氏によるアマホロミュージックに参加し、1stソロアルバム『Graceグレイス』を発表。また同氏のアルバム『』などに参加。その他全国各地でのコンサートをはじめ、様々なアーティストとの コラボレーションを通じて音楽表現の幅をひろげてゆく。また、自身の感覚体験と生命の科学的洞察をもとに、ボイスワークショップのメソッドを確立。 「こえのふしぎ」と題して、自分を深く感じ、いのちの響きをあじわう ゆたかな時間を経験する場を提供し、コンサート・ツアーなどとともに全国各地で展開。










Born in Tokyo, Japan At 17, she started to perform music at live houses around Tokyo. In her 20’s, she got happily married and became a mother of 2 children. She devoted herself in family life until 1999 when she decided to resume her musical activity. 1999 Started to sing and perform music as “Amaria”


2001 As a guest vocalist, she participated in the post-911 peace gathering held in New York City lead by a Japanese priest in Mynmar with the Theravada School of Buddhism, His Holiness Gayuna Cealo. Also this year, she made an appearance on a Japanese TV program with a physical movement performer on a wheelchair, Atsushi Kato, where she improvised the composition called “Resonance of Life ~Sympathy”.


2002 Once again joined the gathering for peace lead by His Holiness Gayuna Cealo, this time held in Oahu and Kauai islands of Hawaii, U.S.A. Together with Cealo and fellow musicians, she visited Grand Canyon and Sedona to record a charity album ‘Manifest Divine Love’ under the supervision of His Holiness Gayuna Cealo. Profits from the sales of this album were generated to save underprivileged children of Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.


2003 Her first album “Grace” was released in May from “amahoro music”, the record label organized by a Japanese singer-songwriter and a Kora (African harp) player Hilo Kawagishi. Later this year, she participated in Hilo’s album “” as she expanded her musical horizon vigorously through nationwide concert tours and collaboration with various artists. Also this year, she established her own method of voice workshop called “Voice Wonders (Koe-no-Fushigi)” as the hands-on experience to feel and enjoy universal resonance of life. The workshop was offered along with her concert tours.


2006 Met her soulmate, Tsukine, and established “Prema Works” together to embody true peace through creative projects.


2007 Her mini album “Rejoice” was released in April from “Prema Works”. JULY: Produced music for the album "THE PINK EAGLE"; a recitation album based on the story written by a picture book author, Akemi Matsubara. 2009 Her first instrumental album “Kousai”was released in December from “Prema Works”.

◇musical instruments Amaria performs: Synthesizer, African Drums (Jinbe & Panlogo), Percussions, Zanmaikin, etc.


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